Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So Much Grace, So Little Time!

Dear Ones:

Broadman Holman has just informed me that it cannot continue to supply Remeberance© brand. In case you don’t know, Remeberance© are those little prefilled cups with bread and juice in them for Communion. This product serves the “time crunched” large congregation for it’s Communion needs. So what to do? No Problem! First, put one each of those little pillow style bread pieces in a disposable Communion cup. Next, stack on another cup and fill it about 2/3 of the way full of juice and voila! you solution is in hand. Just remember this little “trick” when the season rolls around.

Items: Click picture to view/order

communion cups
Disposable Communion cups;

Due to increasing costs, we just heard that Communion Cups will be going up after the 1st of the year. Order now before the price increases!


Pillow-style Bread wafers.

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