How would you like to be able to have your readers automatically see scripture text just by hovering over your references - for just a few minutes of work, one time? Here it is:
Transform your website with RefTagger!
RefTagger is a free web tool that automatically turns all of your Bible references into hyperlinks to the passages at RefTagger can also add an icon that is hyperlinked to the passage in Libronix and a tooltip window that displays the passage when you hover over the reference. So if your website says, "My favorite verse in the Bible is Romans 8:28," RefTagger will instantly turn it into this: "My favorite verse in the Bible is Romans 8:28."
Your readers will be able to have immediate access to any of the Bible passages that you mention. All you need to do is copy the customizable code that we provide for you below and paste it into your website's template file(s), and it will instantly be applied to your whole site—all past and future content! Because RefTagger uses JavaScript, it doesn't make any changes to your site's files. If you decide to remove RefTagger from your site, it's as simple as deleting the code from your template file(s).
If you manage a blog or another website, you can easily add RefTagger by putting a few lines of code into the footer of your template file(s).
Follow this link below to get the codes.
Get more info at:
Logos software is available here:
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